European program for rural areas

Name of the activity: VEGETABLE PROCESSING FACILITY AND PROCUREMENT OF A NEW TECHNOLOGICAL LINE, from the title of the third PUBLIC TENDER FOR SUB-MEASURE 4.2 – Support for investments in the processing, marketing or development of agricultural productsfor 2017, for farms, self-employed individuals and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

Operation Summary:
The investment represents an investment in the construction of a new processing facility and the purchase of a new technological line for vegetable processing.

A new production facility for the processing of agricultural products was built and new technological equipment for the processing of vegetables was purchased.

The investment will significantly contribute to the increase of capacity, and at the same time, the technological process of work will change significantly, which will go from manual to a fully automated and technologically connected process.

As a result, the investment contributed to a larger share of high-quality products, which will also result in higher revenues from sales. The result of the aforementioned effects will naturally be better economic results of the company’s operations as a whole and consolidation of the role of a quality provider on the Slovenian food market.

The basic goal of investments is to raise the level of product quality and to place products with higher added value on the market.

Objectives of the operation:

– acquisition of new processing capacity, which will significantly increase production capacity,
– reduction of dependence on cooperators, the investment significantly increases the share of own production,
– a change in the technological process, which will significantly shorten the vegetable processing process itself, namely complete automation of the processing process,
– procurement of new modern technological equipment,
– acquisition of additional premises for laboratory and analysis,
– increase in produced quantities and thus sales,
– acquisition of new customers,
– energy efficient production,

Results of the operation:
– Acquired a new processing facility and procurement of technological equipment, technological lines for vegetable processing,
– Significant increase in processing capacity,
– Higher quality of the final product,
– Optimization of operations and thus economic strengthening of the company.